🎓 Degree in Global Business | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Degree in Global Business from the Abat Oliba CEU University offers our students a complete training in the economic and global business.

Degree in Global Business
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Degree in Global Business (180 ECTS)

Academic Area

Business and Economics


3 YEARS / 180 ECTS




98% (AQU's Work Placement Survey 2014)



Student profile

Students must be interested in the businesses of companies with international projection.

Admission and Enrolment

Enrolment application via website, sending of the documents and formalisation of admission at the University.

Calendar and timetables

Academic Calendar


Class Timetable

Title of 3 years and 180 credits.

Why study at the UAO CEU?

1. Employability

98% of our students find a job after the completion of their studies, that is 11 percentage points above the Catalan universities average (Work placement Survey AQU 2014).

2. Internationalisation

International competence and the apparition of global chain values force companies to internationalise their activity via exportations or via direct inversion on foreign countries. This brings to scene the need to understand and develop negotiations of international character and to trust its management to professionals capable of guaranteeing the desired profitability. In this scenario, it it necessary the apparition of degrees that guarantee the existence of professionals with an adequate formation able to properly administrate businesses of companies with international projection.

In the current globalised world, it is required to have people with initiative, knowledge, able to participate in teamwork, sociable and aware of the different social, economical and political environments in which they will develop their business activities. The UAO CEU trains students to be able to successfully take managerial tasks in international businesses, that manage, advise and bring their experience to favor the companies in an international scenario growingly competitive.

3. Language

The degree in Global Business is taught as a bilingual degree with the objective of training professionals with greater opportunities to enter the professional world.

We help all our students to achieve the level of English required to take a bilingual degree by means of a learning agreement with the British Council.

4. International internships

One of the main characteristics of the studies in Global Business is the internationalisation, which allows our students to be prepared not only for national companies, but international as well.

For this reason, we offer the possibility to carry out stages from 6 to 12 months, or international internships, in the best universities of Europe, America, and Australia. We also offer international programmes in the United States: “International Political Economy” with the University of Chicago, and the “International Business Certificate Program” with the University of Boston. Our students receive an international training in English linked to their official degree studies and are allowed to carry out an additional international mobility stay.

5. Entrepreneurship

The UAO CEU commitment to the entrepreneurship spirit in all the studies it offers can be seen in the initiatives promoted by the Entrepreneurs Club, created by the students themselves. Among its activities, the organisation of the BCN Thinking Challenge stands out. It is an entrepreneurship marathon with the participation of students of different universities and specialities, and with professionals from different fields that must solve an entrepreneurship case with a social goal.

Moreover, the university strengthens its bet for entrepreneurship by means of different activities:

  • Entrepreneurship and management skills workshops
  • Family business conferences
  • Forum of Economic Debate
6. Competences program CEU ePlus

It is incorporated in every degree since the very first year, in order to work on the specific most demanded competences in the labour market for every degree. In addition, the students always have at their disposal the possibility to make an individual coaching procedure.

7. Methodology

Teaching model based on the practical and individualised training that allows to link the  theoretical knowledge to professional practice, by means of real internships, workshops and practical seminars.

It includes visits to companies and production centres, either national and international, by means of stages.

8. Research

Chair of Solidarity Economy and Chair of Family Business and Business Creation.


Study plan

1st Course

  • Principles of Microeconomics
  • Introduction to Management in a Global Business
  • Business Computer Science
  • Mathematics for Economics
  • Economic Statistics (SPSS)
  • Principles of Macroeconomics
  • Introduction to Accountability in International Businesses
  • Corporate Finances in International Businesses
  • Principles of Marketing in a Global Business
  • Fundamentals of Law in the International Company

2nd Course

  • Human Resources Management in a Global Business
  • Economic Applications of the Game Theory
  • International Economics
  • Public Sector Economics
  • World Economy
  • Econometrics and Data Analysis (Gretl)
  • Globalisation & Geopolitics
  • Financial Mathematics for International Businesses
  • Practical Tools for Foreign Trade
  • Supply Chain Management in a Global Business
  • Social Responsibility in International Businesses and the SDC
  • Social Anthropology and Management of Directive Abilities in International Businesses
  • International Business Ethics


3rd Course

  • Elective 1 (Mention in GF / IM / IAC / IE)
  • Elective 2 (Mention in GF / IM / IAC / IE)
  • Elective 3 (Mention in GF / IM / IAC / IE)
  • Elective 4 (Mention in GF / IM / IAC / IE)
  • Elective 5 (Mention in GF / IM / IAC / IE)
  • Strategic Management in a Global Business
  • Global Business Games
  • International Law
  • Global Entrepreneurship
  • Cultural Environment in a Global Business
  • Practicum
  • Bachelor Thesis


Global Finance (GF)

  • International Finance
  • International Risk Management
  • Global Business Valuation
  • Global Portfolio Investment
  • International Financial Markets and Derivatives


International Marketing (IM)

  • International Market Research
  • International Marketing
  • e-commerce and Digital Marketing in a Global Business
  • Consumer Behaviour in a Global Business
  • Marketing Strategies in a Global Business


International Accounting and Controlling (IAC)

  • Consolidation of Accounting States of International Businesses
  • Internacional Accountability Regulations
  • Controlling and Reporting in a Global Business
  • Global Business Audit
  • National and International Taxation


International Economics (IE)

  • Social and Sharing Economy in a Global Business
  • Econometrics II
  • Economic Policy in OECD countries
  • Development Economics
  • International Monetary and Banking Theory



Careers and internships


Students who obtain the official title "graduate in Global Business from the Abat Oliba CEU University" can pursue careers in the following areas:

  • In the business world, especially within departments or units of economical relationships and international businesses
  • Technical and managerial functions in Spanish and international public institutions that intervene in the markets and the international trade


In the final year of the degree course, students undertake a mandatory work placement in companies, offices or institutions in their preferred area of practice.
These practical training programmes are included in the study plans, and enable the student to apply and complement the knowledge they have acquired during their academic training, ensuring that they acquire professional competences that will assist them when they enter employment in the future. The group of activities that the student will develop in this programme will be jointly agreed between the company’s tutor and the Work Placement and Employment Service coordinator, who is in charge of the practicum.

The student will also have an academic tutor who will monitor and evaluate the internships to ensure that the students get the maximum use of their time at the organisation.
Please visit the Work Placement and Employment Service section for more information.

  • list of companies




university places Cod.University language requirements
Universidad Católica de Argentina 2* AR UCA Spanish
Universidad Católica de la Plata 1* AR UCALP Spanish
Universidad Fasta 2* AR UFASTA Spanish


university places Cod.University language requirements
The University of Graz 1 A GRAZ01 German B2/English B2
Kufstein University of Applied Sciences 3 A KUFSTEIN01 English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Artesis Plantijn University College Antwerp 1 B ANTWERP62 English B2
EPHEC (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales) 2 B BRUXEL82 French B2/English B2
Howest Hogeschool 2 B KORTRIJ03 English B2/Dutch B2
Thomas More University College 2 B MECHELE14 English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Universidade de Ribeirao Preto 2* BR UNAERP Portugués


university places Cod.University language requirements
Centennial College 4* CAN CC ADE/MKT: TOEFL 80


university places Cod.University language requirements
Universidad del Pacifico Chile 4* CL PACIFICO Spanish
Universidad de Santo Tomás 5* CL UST Spanish
Universidad del Desarrollo 1* CL UDD Spanish


university places Cod.University language requirements
Augsburg Hochschule 3 D AUGSBUR02 German B1/English B1
Zeppelin University (Friedrichshafen) 4* D FRIEDRI01 English B2/German B2
Fachhochschule Köln 2 D KOLN04 English B1/German B1


university places Cod.University language requirements
Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV 2 F BORDEAU41 French B1
ESDES Lyon Business School - Universite Catholique Lyon 2 F LYON10 English B2/French B2
ESCE. École Supérieure du Commerce Extérieur 2 F PARIS213 English B2/French B2
Université Perpignan VIA DOMITIA 2 F PERPIGN01 French B1
Toulouse Catholic University 4* F TOULOUSE09 French B2/English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Corvinus University of Budapest 2 HU BUDAPES03 English B2/Hungarian B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Università Politecnica delle Marche 1 I ANCONA01 Italian A2/English A2
Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 1 I MILANO03 Italian B1/English: TOEFL 79/IELTS 6.0
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM 3* I MILANO05 Italian A2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey 3* MX ITESM Spanish
Universidad Anáhuac del Norte 4* MX UAMN TOEFL 89/IELTS 7.0
Universidad Panamericana 3* MX UP Spanish
Universidad de la Vera Cruz 2* MX UVC Spanish
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac 1* MX UNIVA Spanish


university places Cod.University language requirements
Universidad de Piura 2* PE UDEP TOEFL 70
Universidad Católica San Pablo 1* PE UCSP Spanish


university places Cod.University language requirements
Universidade Catolica de Lisboa ADE 2 P LISBOA01 Portugese A2/English B2
IADE 1 P LISBOA46 English B2
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias 1 P LISBOA52 Portugese B2/English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin 1 PL LUBLIN02 Polish B1/English B2
Nicolaus Copernicus University 1* PL TORUN01 English B1
Lazarski University 2* PL WARSZAW14 English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
Kristianstad University 2 S KRISTIA01 Swedish A2/English B1


university places Cod.University language requirements
Lomonosov Moscow State University 1 RU MSU Russian B2/English C1


university places Cod.University language requirements
Laurea University (Espoo) 3 SF VANTAA06 English B2


university places Cod.University language requirements
University of Glasgow Caledonian 6 UK GLASGOW08 English C1 (Consulta certificados GCU)
London South Bank University 2 UK LONDON066 IELTS 6.0/TOEFL 550 (PBT)/213 (IBT) 80/CAE


university places Cod.University language requirements
Florida International University 2* US FIU TOEFL 550 (PBT)/80 (IBT)/IELTS 6,5
University of Missouri - St. Louis 4* US UMSL TOEFL 61 (iBT)/500 (PBT)/173 (CB)/IELTS 5.5
Saint Thomas University Houston 2* US UST TOEFL 550
Whitewater University 2* US UWW TOEFL 500 (PBT)/61 (iBT)/ IELTS 5,5
*: Les places es reparteixen entre les diferents carreres.

Prices and scholarships




You will be able to do the place reservation at the Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees a place in the degree while awaiting approval of the Selectivitat or other access requirements, carrying out the payment of €1,500 which will be discounted from the total price of the course.


Once you have made a reservation, the payment of the rest of the registration fee can be carried out in one of the following methods:

single payment

This method involves a 3% discount on the enrolment fees.

instalment payment

Of the enrolment fee in four instalments per year.

monthly payment

10 instalments with special financing at 0% interest with Banc Sabadell (Check opening charges).

other payment methods

With Banco Santander, "la Caixa", Catalunya Caixa, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. This method also involves a 3% discount on the enrolment fees.


Please contact the Information Service if you want us to offer you a personalised economic plan.
Tel. +34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and regulations


The student must be interested in the issues related to the economy, the company operations and the day-to-day management. They must be able to understand the social function of the company, and analyse and identify issues and propose solutions. They must be able to analyse and summarise information and work as part of a group, as well as to understand and abstract information. They must be expressive, sociable, open-minded and have a view on how the world may develop in the future.

It is also required the knowledge of at least one other language (preferably English), as well as having communication skills.


  • Training students in international business, abe to manage, assess and provide their experience to favourably position companies in a growingly competitive scenario.
  • Being able to understand how the economy works and how the changes that occur in the economy affect business decision-making.
  • Being able to speak using refined economic and business language - in other words: having deep knowledge of the concepts and fundamental management tools that can be applied to the functional areas of a company.
  • Having a comprehensive view of the organisation and business environments in which companies operate.
  • Developing the abilities and skills required to apply knowledge that has been acquired, and be able to carry out professional activities in different environments in companies and organisations in the different fields of Global Business.