1. Intrapersonal Skills
These will be worked on throughout the program in a continuous process in which a starting point is established and, from there, an individual action plan is drawn up for each student, supervised by a tutor/mentor who has specific training for this purpose.
The starting point has to be objective and based on a skills assessment approved for the intended purposes. We will use the PDA (Personal Development Analysis) method, which is an online psychometric evaluation that analyses and describes the behavioural profile of individuals.
In addition, two other external objective assessments, both to evaluate personal conditions for leadership and English language skills, will be carried out. Other skills that will be worked on generally, as well as aspects linked to this block and to which a teaching load has been assigned, include:
2. Soft Skills
In this block, an attempt has been made to establish a correlation between the skills identified by the CEU Employability Advisory Council and those that world-renowned entities have ranked and related, using both the World Economic Forum model and the one developed in the New CEU Teaching Model. This enables the subject matter to be standardized internally and also against any skills system, facilitating understanding and access to training providers.
The skills included in the program are:
3. The Professional Environment
This block aims to make students aware of the richness and breadth that opens up before them after completing their studies, generating criteria regarding economic sectors and type of activity in which they will later work. The subjects identified are:
4. Professional Profile
Finally, the aim of this block is to help bring students closer to the professional world and have basic ideas of the following concepts: