Law graduates interested in pursuing a career in the field of maritime law at firms and companies. Other graduates looking to enter the world of maritime law and find out more about its impact on business.
Application via website, submission of documentation and formalisation of admission at the University.
Adolfo Lucas. PhD in Law and Director of the Department of Law and Political Science at UAO CEU.
Andrea Pérez Suay. PhD in Maritime Law and lecturer in Civil Law at Abat Oliba CEU University.
Advisory Board
As part of the training, students of the Master's Degree in Maritime Law must carry out professional internships, guaranteed by the university, with companies or law firms linked to the maritime sector. Completion of this internship will be required in order to obtain the official title.
Studying the programme allows graduates to join teams at various specialised firms and companies, both in Spain and around the world, who need lawyers and executives with a solid grounding in the field. It also opens the door to a career at companies in the port sector, the civil service, brokers and insurance companies.
By completing the programme, students will be able to develop their career in the following areas:
- direction and management of international transport operations
- international arbitration in the maritime sector
- international law in the sector
- maritime consultancy
- insurance contracting and management
€ 7.575*
*Price for the 2025-26 academic year
Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.
The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.
Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:
A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
3 instalments per year.
10 instalments with special 0% interest financing with CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
With Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.
Students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This way, you can book your place now and be free to cancel if your circumstances change*
*Deadline for cancelling subject to changes in the official enrolment calendar
Postgraduate and Further University Studies
Bellesguard 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]
Those applying to take this Official Master’s in Maritime Law must hold either a higher university degree title from Spain (diplomatura, licenciatura or ingeniería superior) or a foreign degree (equivalent to a bachelor’s degree in the Anglo-Saxon system). This profile includes:
Applications from people with professional experience who have worked in the maritime transport sector are also accepted.
To specialise in maritime law, with knowledge of the latest legal and jurisprudential developments, as well as the international instruments that apply to the day-to-day legal and business aspects of the maritime sector. To offer a practical, solid understanding of these legal and economic aspects from the perspective of common law.
This master's degree aims to extend this specialist knowledge and apply it to practical cases that will enable students to better understand the concepts and their impacts.
To provide students with training in English law, the law under which the vast majority of international maritime disputes are resolved.