🎓 Satisfied students significantly above average

This data is extracted from the study “Acceso, condiciones de aprendizaje, expectativas y retornos de los estudios universitarios” (Access, learning conditions, prospects and rewards of university studies), carried out by Xarxa Vives and the Jaume Bofill Foundation

Fecha: Wednesday, 02 de November de 2016 a las 18:00h

Satisfied students significantly above average

Near 85% of the students of our University are either happy or delighted with the courses they are taking. In fact, most of them have a great satisfaction degree, since 47.21% of the students state themselves as “delighted”. This data is extracted from the study “Acceso, condiciones de aprendizaje, expectativas y retornos de los estudios universitarios” (Access, learning conditions, prospects and rewards of university studies), carried out by Xarxa Vives and the Jaume Bofill Foundation. Students of 19 of the 21 universities that made up Xarxa Vives have participated in this study. Xarxa Vives is an organisation that brings together university institutions of many countries of the Mediterranean ark. Some of these institutions are from the Balearic Islands, Catalonia, Valencia and Andorra.

The percentage of satisfied students (that includes the “happy” and “delighted” ones) is, in our University, 14 percentage points higher than the survey average. In our University, the amount of “delighted” student doubles the average of the other Universities that have participated in the study. It is also remarkable the percentage of students of our University that would choose again the same centre and studies (seven percentage points above average) in case they had to choose again.

Support from our University

The satisfaction of our students can be relative to the perception they have of the quality of the services they receive from our University. In this sense, it is remarkable the fact that our students rate the University significantly above average in aspects such as the “support to obtain academic success”, the “support required to attain personal and social growth” or the “help to face non-academic responsibilities, such as work or family”.

This study also reveals that, in our University, there are some services that have a significant superior demand than the average in the other on-site centres of the survey. Some of these services are the Academic Guidance and the Languages Service. In both of them, the percentage of students that assert they use these services exceeds the average in 15 percentage points.

Confidence in the future

This report also stresses on the future expectations, an aspect in which the students of our University express a higher degree of optimism than the other students of Xarxa Vives. 79% of our students consider that they will find a job “easily” or “more easily” (the average is 56.2%). Qualitatively speaking, this optimism also reflects on the possibility of finding an interesting job in the future, as stated by 85% of our students (versus the 68% of the survey average). The amount of students that consider useful or very useful the course taken is 91%, ten percentage points above average. This data is consistent with the latest employability survey of the Agència Catalana per a la Qualitat del Sistema Universitari Català (Catalan Agency for the Quality of the Catalan University System). This employability survey states that our University’s graduates have the highest employability rate of the Catalan universities (95%).

Figures relative to our University have been developed from the report data by the statistics professor Vanesa Berlanga.

Satisfied students significantly above average