🎓 Double degree Marketing + Advertising | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Double degree in Marketing + Advertising from Abat Oliba CEU University is designed to train professionals adapted to the business and advertising world.

Double degree in Marketing and Commercial Management + Advertising and PR
Title/Academic field

Double Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management + Advertising and PR.
Business and Economics

Proprietary programme

Expert in Digital Marketing Management




375 ECTS

Collaboration agreement

Marketing Club of Barcelona 

Student profile

Candidates with the ability to create, develop, control, sell and communicate any type of product or service in any type of company.

Admissions and enrolment

Applications for admission must be submitted through the Admission Portal. Candidates will be assessed based on their academic record and the admissions tests taken.

Preferential admission will be granted to candidates who meet the academic entry requirements and who best fulfil the selection criteria.

Calendar and timetables

Academic Calendar

Timetable: New Plan
Timetable: Old Plan
Digital Marketing Management Timetable


Change your present.
Create your own future</b>

We are pioneers in the implementation of Marketing studies in Catalonia.

Why study at UAO CEU?

1. Double degree programme

Abat Oliba CEU University is a pioneer in the methodology that allows students to obtain two official degrees in five years. Abat Oliba CEU University offers this double degree combining its long tradition of studies in Advertising and Public Relations with Marketing studies, an area in which UAO CEU is a pioneer within Catalonia.

Marketing, creativity and new technologies are the main elements required for modern companies, whether public or private. For this reason, Abat Oliba CEU University, aware of its great importance, bases its double degree in Marketing and Commercial Management + Advertising and Public Relations on these central pillars.

The main objective of this double degree is to train professionals fully adapted to the needs of the business and advertising world, with special skills for marketing and communication, able to create, develop, control, sell and communicate any type of product and / or service in any type of company.

The combination of marketing and business management together with advertising and public relations in this double degree provides students with a comprehensive, in-depth and up-to-date vision that will be highly valued in the jobs market.

2. Leadership and Employability: Design YOUR Future

New Design YOUR Future Employability Acceleration Program for students of all Bachelor's Degrees at CEU universities, aiming to improve employability and facilitate integration into the professional world by reducing the time from the first work experience. Developed by the Employability Commission of the CEU Employability Advisory Council and designed by future employers, it focuses on understanding the labour market and how companies work.

3. Digital Marketing Management

New proprietary course to enable students to master the applications of big data in the business world and lead digital marketing strategies. Included in the Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management.

4. Marketing Club

We are pioneers in the implementation of Marketing studies in Catalonia. We are always at the forefront thanks to the Annual Marketing Conference organised together with the Marketing Club of Barcelona. 

5. Learning by doing

New teaching methodology combining learning by doing and flipped classroom methodologies. The student becomes the center of the teaching model and the classroom generates professional experiences.

GoliADs UAO CEU Awards: students of our degree in Advertising and Public Relations organise this contest every year with a gala and awards ceremony, which has fast become a fixture for advertising agencies. 

UAO CEU has been the venue for the 18-19 and 19-20 editions of the Drac Novell International Festival, the event of the year in the world of advertising and communication, which it organises jointly with Associació Empresarial de la Publicitat.

Aula News: students of the degree will practise their advertising skills with the university digital newspaper, created by students from the degree in Journalism. 

6. Aula Emprende Programme

UAO CEU is committed to fostering the entrepreneurial spirit in all studies in the field of Business, through numerous initiatives, including:

  • Women Entrepreneurs Workshop
  • Events connecting family business and entrepreneurship
  • Experience-based Entrepreneurship Conferences
  • CEU Emprende Summer Camp

The Entrepreneurs’ Club, created by the students themselves, also promotes other events, including the BCN Thinking Challenge, an entrepreneurship marathon with participation of students from different universities and specialties and professionals from different sectors who must together solve an entrepreneurship case study with a social objective.

7. CEU ePlus skills programme

Our teaching model is based on practical, personalised training, linking theory with professional practice, through case studies and real experiences, workshops and practical seminars.
This includes visits to national and international companies and production centres through a programme of work placements.

8. Progressive International Development 

A new international experience that encourages students taking the degree in Advertising and Public Relations to internationalise their studies, from the first year to the fourth, with international collaborative activities, academic exchanges for both teachers and students, participation in international research projects and proposals for short- and long-term placements at foreign universities. 

1st year: Students will experience online interaction and research with European universities.  

2nd year: Students will be able to explore global communication through short stays in Europe where they will learn to adapt advertising messages to the cultural context. We host a group of students from another European country and together work on an international project.  

3rd year: We prepare students for cross-cultural challenges in collaboration with two European universities. The syllabus is constantly adapted and places our students from various universities in contact with each other to work together and find solutions to the social and ecological challenges we face. 

4th year:  We broaden horizons through the Erasmus programme, along with semester-long placements at one of our partner universities in Europe and America (New York, Boston, Toronto, Santiago, Dublin, Mexico City, Florida, etc.). We organise several major international advertising events at UAO CEU (Drac Novell, GoliAds) that allow students to learn about international communication in a practical way. 

9. Innovation Lab

New installations, infrastructure and both fixed and mobile equipment for teaching activities. Television studio, sound studio, photography studio, radio workshop, digital editorial office, experiential research laboratory, and more.

10. Research

Chairs and Research Groups: 
- Chair of Solidarity Economy 
- Chair of Family Business and Business Creation 
- Research Group on Employability, Young People and Social Exclusion (EJES) 
- Research Group on Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Entrepreneurial Competitiveness (GREECE)


Careers and internships


Upon completion of the Official Degree in Marketing and Commercial Management + Advertising and Public Relations at Abat Oliba CEU University, students will be able to pursue a career in the following fields:

  • Head of communications
  • Researcher and strategic consultant in advertising and PR.
  • Researcher, planner and media buyer
  • Creative and designer
  • Corporate communication manager
  • Account manager
  • Creative director
  • Marketing director
  • Sales director
  • Head of product
  • Head of brand


During the last year of the degree, students will undertake compulsory work placements in companies or institutions related to the their preferred area.

These practical training programmes, which are a part of the course study plan, will give students the opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired during the course while learning new professional skills that will help them find work later on.

The set of activities that the student will carry out during the programme will be agreed by the tutor at the company and the coordinator of the Placement and Employment Service who is responsible for the practicum.

The student will also have an academic tutor who will monitor and assess the internships in order to guarantee students make the most of their placement.

For more information, don't hesitate to contact the Work Placement and Employment Service.

  • List of businesses
  • Information and contact details







University places Code Language requirements
Universidad Católica de Argentina 4* AR UCA Spanish
Universidad Católica de la Plata 1* AR UCALP Spanish
Universidad Fasta 2* AR UFASTA Spanish


University places Code Language requirements
Murdoch University 2* AU MURDOCH Ver requisitos


University places Code Language requirements
Artevelde Hogeschool (Gent) 4 B GENT39 English B1
PXL University College 2 B HASSELT22 English B1, (exchange courses), Dutch B2 (degree programs)
Howest Hogeschool 4 B KORTRIJ03 English B2/Dutch B2


University places Code Language requirements
Universidad Finnis Terae- Santiago 2* CL FINNIS Spanish
Universidad de Santo Tomás 2* CL UST Spanish
Universidad del Desarrollo 2* CL UDD Spanish


University places Code Language requirements
Soongsil University 2* KO SU English B2
EWHA Womans University 3* KO EWHA NOTA PONDERADA EXPEDIENTE 7,5/10 o superior


University places Code Language requirements
Université François-Rabelais 4 F TOURS01 French B2


University places Code Language requirements
Maynooth University 12* IRL MAYNOOT01 English B2


University places Code Language requirements
Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione IULM 2* I MILANO05 Italian A2/English B1


University places Code Language requirements
Reichman University 2* IS HERZ01


University places Code Language requirements
Rikkyo-University College of Intercultural Communication 4* JA CIC English B2


University places Code Language requirements
Taylor's University 2* MA KUALA01 English B2


University places Code Language requirements
Universidad Anáhuac México 2* MX UAMN Spanish/TOEFL 89 o IELTS 7.0
Universidad Panamericana 2* MX UP Spanish
Universidad Iberoamericana 2* MX IBERO Spanish
Universidad del Valle de Atemajac 2* MX UNIVA Spanish


University places Code Language requirements
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen COMUNICACIÓN 4/td> NL GRONING03P English B2
Tilburg University 2 NL TILBURG 01 English B2
HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht 4* NL UTRECHT 24 Dutch B2/ English B2 (requieren certificados según los estudios)


University places Code Language requirements
Universidad de Lima 2* PE LIMA Spanish
Universidad de Piura 2* PE UDEP Spanish


University places Code Language requirements
Universidade de Europeia IADE - Faculdade de Design, Tecnologias e Comunicação 2 P LISBOA08 English B2


University places Code Language requirements
Collegium Civitas 3* PL WARSZAW35 English B2


University places Code Language requirements
Jönköping University 2 S JONKOPI01 TOEFL score of at least 575


University places Code Language requirements
Canterbury Christ Church University 8* UK CANTERB03 English B2
Conventry University 4* UK CONVENTR02 English B2
University of Glasgow Caledonian 12* UK GLASGOW08 English C1 (Consulta los certificados requeridos en la página web de Glasgow Caledonian University)
Liverpool John Moore University 10* UK LIVERPO02 English B2
Sheffield Hallam University 4* UK SHEFFIE02 English B2, IELTS 6.0


University places Code Language requirements
Catholic University of America 4* US CUA TOEFL 80 (IBT)
Manhattan College 5* US MC TOEFL 80 (internet based exam), 213 (computer based exam), 550 (paper based exam)
University of the Incarnate Word 2* US UIW TOEFL iBT 79/ Cambridge English Advanced Certificate in Advanced English (CAE) C1/ TOEIC 650/ IELTS 6.5
University of Missouri - St. Louis 4* US UMSL TOEFL minimum iBT score:  61 (PBT: 500, CB: 173) IELTS minimum score: 5.5
Saint Thomas University Houston 2* US UST TOEFL 550
Western Kentucky University 2* US WKU English


University places Code Language requirements
Universidad Católica de Uruguay 2* URY UCU Spanish


University places Code Language requirements
Reichman University Publicidad: 1er sem 4to. IS HERZ01
*: Places are distributed across degree programmes.

Fees and scholarships


€ 10,803*

*Price for the 2025-26 academic year

Price corresponding to the current credit distribution for the double degree in the 1st year, subject to possible modifications in credit distribution.

Tuition fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of teaching as part of the programme enrolled on, and this is the only service offered in exchange for the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student accepts that decisions made by the competent authorities may, directly or indirectly, render it necessary to carry out teaching, tutoring, work placements or assessment tests either in person or via distance learning.

The student accepts that they remain obliged to pay any such fees in full even if, for reasons beyond the control of the University, some of the educational activities included in the degree cannot be carried out as initially provided for in the course guides at the beginning of the academic year. If restrictions are part in place, the University will provide the student with a guarantee that the activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interests of the student and any other applicable academic criteria.


Once you've been accepted on the course, you can reserve your place at Abat Oliba CEU University, which guarantees you a place on the course, before you pass the “selectivity” university entrance exam* or other entry requirements. You can do this by making a payment of €1500 (which will be deducted from the total price of the course).

*Reservation of your place will be effective exclusively for the ordinary examination period (June) of the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam. Candidates who do not pass the Baccalaureate University Entrance exam or other access requirements for similar studies in the ordinary period (June), and have paid the Place Reservation Fee, will have priority in the September enrolment if the University has places available in the degree course requested.

Cancelling your place after reservation: students have until 21 June to cancel their reserved place. This means you can book now and cancel if your circumstances change later on.**

**Deadline subject to changes in the official registration calendar


Once you have formalised reservation of your place, the remaining amount can be paid in the following ways:

  • One-off payment

    A one-off payment entitles you to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • Payment by instalments

    5 instalments per year.


  • Monthly payments

    10 instalments with special 0% interest financing from CaixaBank. This also entitles students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.

  • new special financing

    New financing agreements with banks with special conditions.

    - Banc Sabadell

    - CaixaBank

    - Banco Santander

    All options entitle prospective students to a discount of 3% on tuition fees.


Contact the Information Service if you want us to help you draw up a personalised economic plan.
+34 932 53 72 00
[email protected]

Quality and regulation


The student should be interested in aspects related to marketing, commercial management, as well as aspects related to the functioning of institutional and corporate communication.

They must also have the ability to understand the social function of business, analyse problems, diagnose them and propose solutions. They will also possess a capacity for: analysis, synthesis and teamwork; understanding and abstract thought; expressing themselves; social interaction; a broad general vision of the world and its future.

Knowledge of another language (preferably English), as well as an aptitude for quantitative methods and creativity in the broadest sense of communication and advertising are also necessary.


  • To gain a refined grasp of the language of economics and business, with solid knowledge of the fundamental concepts and instruments of management applicable to the various functional marketing areas of the company.
  • To gain an overview of the organisations and the environment in which they operate and are constituted.
  • To be able to understand how the business environment works and how changes in the economy affect business decision making.
  • To develop the skills and abilities necessary to apply the knowledge acquired and to be in a position to carry out professional activities in the different areas of marketing and sales management of businesses and organisations.
  • To be able to evaluate, criticise, discuss, elaborate and present business proposals based on an understanding of the context (social, economic, international, etc.) in which they are raised.
  • To acquire humanistic training that informs their attitude towards life and the professions for which they have been prepared, compatible with the values of sustainability and social responsibility of any type of company or organisation.
  • To become an efficient expert who takes on roles in the profession with the responsibility and dignity of someone who is aware of the commitment the task implies: directing functional departments and business projects with an eye to the common and individual good.
  • To develop initiative and leadership skills, as well as an interest in marketing and commercial management.
  • To acquire the necessary linguistic skills required for good marketing and commercial management of companies or organisations.
  • To learn the different research and analysis techniques of communication, advertising and public relations.
  • To learn the management techniques of the business world and the departments of communication, advertising and public relations.
  • To learn the structure of media, their audiences and their purchasing methods, as well as their characteristics, typologies and problems.
  • To learn the methods and techniques of marketing in order to be able to make strategic decisions for communication, advertising and public relations.
  • To know the methods and processes of creation and production for different media.
  • To know the ethics, professional and humanistic deontology as well as its legal system.





Innovation Lab

Agenda and News