🎓 Màster d'Auditoria en Sostenibilitat | Universitat Abat Oliba CEU

Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit

Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit

Academic area

Business and Economics

Duration / Credits

9 months






Organized with
Student profile

Candidates for the Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit must have a Spanish higher degree (diploma, degree, higher engineering degree) or a foreign degree (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in the Anglo-Saxon system).

Admissions and enrolment

Applying for admission via the website, sending documentation and formalizing admission to the University.

Further information

Calendar and timetable

October to June. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 19:00 to 21:00.

Academic Calendar

Organized jointly with the College of Chartered Accountants of Catalonia

Why study at the UAO CEU?

1. Professionalization

The Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit provides the training necessary to be able to audit sustainability reports presented by entities to their “stakeholders”. It also provides professional training to carry out verification activities in companies and sustainability consultancy and auditing firms.

2. Teaching staff

The teaching staff is made up of accredited experts with extensive professional experience in auditing and with a global, current vision of the business reality.

3. Employability

The average employment rate is 95% for CEU postgraduate studies.

4. Information resources and spaces

The Library Service is conceived as a study and research support unit with the priority objective of responding to educational and scientific requests. It has long opening hours, including weekends, and the best computer equipment.

In addition, the UAO CEU makes available to the university community a digital repository that contains the open access publications derived from the teaching, research and institutional activity of the teaching staff, students and alumni of the University.

The classes are taught at the Abat Oliba CEU University and the College of Chartered Accountants of Catalonia. 



Master's in Environmental Verification ECTS
Environmental Verification in Master's Final Project -MFP 20 ECTS
Master's in Social Verification ECTS
Social Verification in Master's Final Project -MFP 20 ECTS
Master's in Governance Verification ECTS
Governance Verification in Master's Final Project -MFP 20 ECTS
Master's Final Project -MFP-
Students enrolling for the full master's will carry out a Master's Final Project that includes environmental, social and governance verification

Teaching staff 


The classes of the Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit are taught by experts and professionals who have proven teaching or professional experience and have been chosen for their recognized prestige and specialization in the field of auditing and accounting.

Master's degree directorate

Ramon M. Soldevila de Monteys. PhD in Economics and Business Studies. Auditor-Chartered Accountant. Lecturer in Accounting and Accounts Auditing at the Abat Oliba CEU University. See CV.

[email protected] 

Jordi Martí Pidelaserra. PhD and lecturer in the Department of Business at the UB. ESG rating manager.

[email protected]



  • Noelia Acosta Sánchez. Diploma in Business Studies. Auditor-Chartered Accountant. Partner of the auditing firm AUDIAXIS AUDITORES, S.L.P. 
  • Ferran Álvarez Botey. Sustainability and Climate Change Partner – PwC
  • Maria Àngels Calvo. Professor emeritus U.A.B. Specialist in One Health
  • Josep Maria Caselles. Partner at Invenies S.L. ESG rating specialist
  • Sandra Costa Agustí. Manager in Sustainability, Climate Change and CSR, KPMG
  • Marga de Rosselló Carril. Sustainability and Climate Change Partner – PwC
  • Almudena Fernández Bombín. Senior Manager Deloitte
  • Cecilia Kindelán Amorrich. Academia Numérica R.A.E.D. PhD in Strategic Communication
  • Guillem Martí Masana. PhD in Economic Sciences from the UAO. Expert Consultant in Sustainability
  • Mateu Puigvert Romia. UNED lecturer. Consultant in Social Responsibility
  • Patricia Reverter Guillot. Audit ESG Assurance Partner at KPMG
  • Natalia Sánchez Sumelzo. Senior Manager in Sustainability and Climate Change, KPMG
  • Joaquin Solana Oliver. PhD from the Abat Oliba CEU University. Expert economist in sustainability reports
  • Daniel Vázquez Albert. Professor of Commercial Law, UB
  • Isabel Vidal Martínez. Professor at the University School, Department of Economics, UB

Career Opportunities 


Auditing in sustainability leads to a profession regulated by the Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing.

The training you will receive from the Master's will enable you to be accredited by the supervisory authorities as a sustainability auditor.

Auditing firms need professionals with this profile.

Consultancy firms require professionals with this profile.

Prices and grants



*Price valid for the 2025-26 academic year

The academic fees correspond, solely and exclusively, to the provision of the teaching service of the degree enrolled on, this being the only service corresponding to the payment of those fees. By enrolling, the student consents and accepts that the teaching, tutorials, internships and evaluation tests may be in-person or remote (when the competent authorities so require, either directly or indirectly).

The obligation to pay in full the aforementioned fees will still apply even in the event that, for reasons beyond the University's control, some of the training activities included in the degree cannot be carried out according to the teaching schedule established at the beginning of the academic year. Should this occur, the University will guarantee the student that said activity will be rescheduled when possible, taking into consideration the interest of the students and the other academic criteria that may apply.


Once the reservation of your place has been formalized, you can pay the remaining amount of the course fees in the following ways:


In December


With Banco Santander, CaixaBank, BBVA and Banc Sabadell. 


You will have until 21 June to cancel your reserved place. You can therefore reserve your place now with full guarantees.*
*Period subject to change in the official enrolment calendar.


Postgraduate and University Extension Courses
Bellesguard, 30. 08022 Barcelona
Tel. +34 93 253 72 03
[email protected]

Quality and Standards 


This Master's is especially aimed at graduates in economics, business studies, environmental sciences, social sciences, engineering, law or sociology, and other graduates with an interest in auditing.

Candidates for the Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit must have a Spanish higher degree (diploma, degree or higher engineering degree) or foreign degree (equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree in the Anglo-Saxon system). 

Graduates interested in auditing.

Graduates in need of professional reorientation.



The aim of the program is for students to acquire advanced specialized multidisciplinary training oriented towards specialized professional activity in auditing accounts in accordance with the provisions set out in Royal Decree 861/2010. The design of the training program is the overall result of coherently combining various essential complementary elements specifically conceived to achieve the objectives/skills that students must attain, these being understood as the set of knowledge (know-how), skills (specific know-how) and attitudes (common know-how or how to be), as well as the capacity to mobilize and integrate all of this in order to adequately perform their functions and activities.

General objectives

The general objective of this Master's Degree (Lifelong Learning) in Sustainability Audit is to provide students with knowledge of different areas, subjects and tasks that converge in the field of auditing in order to facilitate their professional activity. This objective is consistent with those of the Abat Oliba CEU University, as it aims to reinforce specific skills in the field of accounting and especially in account auditing.

The professional orientation of the Master's is in line with its critical, participative nature, typical of business decisions and the obligation and benefit of companies to be audited, and also with the principles of the University in that it aims to promote leadership in decision making based on in-depth knowledge of accounting and the development of skills to identify, diagnose and solve problems based on a critical spirit and the capacity for discernment provided by accounting knowledge to interpret company information.

At the end of this Master's, students will have acquired the knowledge and skills that society and organizations require of accounting and auditing professionals. In other words, they will have solid training in auditing tools and practices.

In order to achieve this objective, the main elements that make up the curricular design of the training program (i.e. its subjects and training activities, as well as the teaching and evaluation methods) have been oriented to this end. Finally, it should be made clear that this Master's is oriented at professionals.


Specific objectives

  • To understand in sufficient depth the accounting regulation applicable to businesses, both nationally and internationally, especially with regard to interpretation and practical application.
  • To know the procedures and protocol for auditing accounts and the development and application of the Audit Law.
  • To be able to express an opinion on the financial and economic status of a company based primarily on accounting information.
  • To be able to carry out the activity of an auditor, making intensive use of advanced quantitative and computer techniques that enable complex decisions to be taken in an optimal, informed manner.
  • To be able to develop the necessary skills to be able to cultivate a professional career in auditing and accounting.
  • To be able to rise to the new challenges posed by new rules in auditing and accounting regulation within the financial environment in which the entity is immersed at all times.
  • To become a professional, entrepreneurial, reflective person sensitive to diversity and aware of their professional and personal responsibility towards society and the economy.

Agenda and News